Essay writing guide
How To Do A Topic Sentence For An Essay
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Example of a Bad Academic Dismissal Appeal Letter
Case of a Bad Academic Dismissal Appeal Letter In the event that youve been excused from your school or college in view of poor scholastic execution, its solitary regular to feel humiliated, furious and guarded. You may feel like youve let down your folks, your teachers, and yourself. Since an excusal can be so mortifying, numerous understudies attempt to put the fault for the low evaluations on anybody however themselves. All things considered, in the event that you see yourself as a decent understudy, at that point those Ds and Fs cannot be your deficiency. In any case, to make a fruitful scholastic excusal offer, you have to truly investigate the mirror. While numerous components can add to scholastic disappointment, that individual in the mirror is the person who got the low evaluations on those papers, tests, and lab reports. The individual in the mirror is the person who didnt go to class or neglected to turn in assignments. When Brett requested his scholarly excusal, he didn't take ownership of his own bungles. His allure letter is a case of what not to do. (see Emmas letter for a case of an elegantly composed intrigue) Brett's Academic Dismissal Appeal Letter To Whom It May Concern:I am composing since I might want to bid my excusal from Ivy University for poor scholarly execution. I realize my evaluations were bad last semester, however there were a ton of conditions that were not my flaw. I might want to urge you to reestablish me for next semester.I take a stab at my homework, and I have since secondary school. My evaluations dont consistently mirror my difficult work, however, and I some of the time get low evaluations on tests and expositions. As I would like to think, my math teacher was not satisfactory about what might be on the last, and didn't give us notes to concentrate from. His English is additionally downright terrible and made it difficult to comprehend what he was stating. At the point when I messaged him to ask what I made on the last, he didn't answer for a few days, and afterward just disclosed to me I should stop by to get the test without messaging me my evaluation. In my English class, I think the teacher simply did n't care for me and a few of the folks in class; she made a ton of mocking jokes that were not proper. At the point when she instructed me to take my expositions to the Writing Center, I did, yet that simply exacerbated them. I attempted to change them all alone, and I buckled down, yet she could never give me a higher evaluation. I dont think anyone made An in that class.If I am permitted to return to Ivy University the following fall, I will work much harder and perhaps get a guide for the classes like Spanish that I was battling with. Likewise, I will attempt to get more rest. That was a major factor last semesterâ when I was worn out constantly and now and again fell asleep in class, despite the fact that one explanation I didnt get rest was a direct result of the measure of homework.I trust you will allow me another opportunity to graduate.Sincerely,Brett Undergrad Evaluate of Brett's Academic Dismissal Appeal Letter Aâ good bid letterâ shows that you comprehend what turned out badly and that you are being straightforward with yourself and the interests board of trustees. On the off chance that your allure is to succeed, you should show that you assume liability for your low evaluations. Bretts offer letter comes up short on this front. His first section sets an inappropriate tone when he expresses that huge numbers of the issues he experienced were not my issue. Quickly he seems like an understudy who does not have the development and mindfulness to take ownership of his own inadequacies. An understudy who attempts to put fault somewhere else is an understudy who isn't taking in and developing from his mix-ups. The interests advisory group won't be intrigued. Buckling down? It deteriorates. In the subsequent section, Bretts guarantee that he buckles down sounds empty. How hard would he say he is truly working on the off chance that he has recently bombed out of school for low evaluations? What's more, in the event that he is trying sincerely however getting low evaluations, why hasnt he searched out assistance in surveying his learning challenges? The remainder of the section really proposes that Brett doesâ notâ work hard. He says his math educator was not satisfactory about what might be on the last and didn't give us notes to concentrate from. Brett assumes he is still in grade school and he will be coddled data and told precisely what will be on his tests. Tsk-tsk, Brett needs to wake up to school. It is Bretts employment to take notes, not his educators work. It is Bretts employment to make sense of what data has gotten the most accentuation in class and is, along these lines, well on the way to be on tests. It is Bretts employment to buckle down outside of the study hall with the goal that he has dominance over the entirety of the material secured all through the semester. In any case, Brett isn't finished delving himself into a gap. His grumbling about his educators English sounds frivolous if not bigot, and the remarks about getting his evaluation over email is superfluous to the intrigue and shows lethargy and obliviousness on Bretts part (as a result of protection issues and FERPA laws, most teachers won't give out evaluations over email). When Brett discusses his English class, he again hopes to accuse anybody however himself. He assumes that taking a paper to the Writing Center will by one way or another mysteriously change his composition. He assumes that a weak exertion at update speaks to difficult work meriting a higher evaluation. When Brett grumbles that she could never give me a higher evaluation, he uncovers that he thinks grades are given, not earned. It's Not the Professor's Job to Like You Bretts guarantee that the educator didnt like him and offered unseemly remarks raises two or three issues. Educators arent required to like understudies. To be sure, in the wake of perusing Bretts letter, I dont like him definitely. In any case, teachers ought not let their affection or abhorrence of an understudy influence their assessment of the understudies work. Likewise, what was the idea of the unseemly remarks? Numerous educators will offer inconsiderate remarks to understudies who are relaxing, not focusing, or being troublesome here and there. Notwithstanding, if the remarks were somehow or another bigot, misogynist or in any capacity oppressive, at that point they are without a doubt improper and ought to be accounted for to the teachers Dean. In Bretts case, these obscure allegations of unseemly remarks sound as though they have a place in the previous classification, yet this is an issue the interests board will need to explore further. Powerless Plans for Future Success At long last, Bretts plan for future achievement sounds frail. Maybeâ get a guide? Brett, you need a mentor. Dispose of the possibly and act. Likewise, Brett says that schoolwork was one explanation he didnt get enough rest. What were different reasons? For what reason was Brett continually dozing through class? In what capacity will he address the time the board issues that have left him depleted constantly? Brett gives no responses to these inquiries. To put it plainly, Brett has made a losing bid in his letter. He doesnt appear to comprehend what turned out badly, and he put more vitality into accusing others than making sense of how to improve his scholastic execution. The letter gives no proof that Brett will prevail later on. On the off chance that youd like Allen Groves help with your own intrigue letter,â see his profile for subtleties. More Tips on Academic Dismissals Jasons Appeal Letter and Critique: Jason was excused in light of liquor misuse. Perceive how he requested his excusal, with feedback.10 Tips for an In-Person Appeal: You might have the option to claim face to face to the educational measures advisory group. See tips for making the best case.10 Questions You Might Be Asked When Appealing a Dismissal: Be set up to respond to these inquiries suitably.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Impact of Light Wavelength to Photosynthesis Lab Report
The Impact of Light Wavelength to Photosynthesis - Lab Report Example Regardless, our information didn't bolster the theory since the red light didn't have altogether higher pace of photosynthesis among the three hues. Light is exceptionally critical to plants as it is the vitality source that guides a chain of concoction responses include during the time spent their food creation called photosynthesis. With their light catching photosynthetic shades, plants gather light vitality that at that point bolsters the creation of sugar. The most significant among a few unique shades is chlorophyll which is liable for green shade of most plants (Light frequency and photosynthesis) process we know as photosynthesis (Farabee, 2008). Daylight as the essential wellspring of light is changed over to a usable synthetic vitality with the activities of green shade chlorophyll. This procedure prompts the synthetic response wherein water and carbon dioxide enter the cell of the leaf creating oxygen and sugar. With that leaves fills in as sun based authority loaded with photosynthetic cells (Whitmarsh). Light is an issue and an electromagnetic radiation which is a type of vitality. The light that permits us to see is really a blend of various frequency and named obvious light. To isolate these frequencies the light should pass a crystal making them all obvious (Light frequency and photosynthesis). ... This makes an electromagnetic range of light between red as the longest frequency while violet as the briefest (Farabee, 2008)The light vitality that is transmitted and reflected is spoken to with the hues that we see while those that we can't are those that are assimilated (Light frequency and photosynthesis) Light is consumed through substance called colors. For most plants chlorophyll is the green color liable for engrossing all frequencies of obvious light aside from green. As the color assimilates light vitality, it triggers photosynthesis; therefore making the viability of various frequencies of light creating electrons comparative with the activity range of such compound response. Techniques The effect of light frequencies on photosynthesis was controlled by uncovering the plant Dracaena to light of various frequencies at that point estimating the abatement in carbon dioxide level. With a 60 Watts delicate white light with red, green and yellow light channels, frequencies of 630 to 750nm speaking to red, 570 to 590 speaking to yellow, and 490 to 560nm speaking to green were used. Two medicines were accomplished for every one of the three frequencies, every treatment with seven imitates. Every one of the seven plants was set in the CID machine and tried for CO2 level breath. Each plant was at first tried for drop in CO2 following two minutes of light presentation and afterward last estimations were acquired inside seven minutes. Along these lines had gives us the measure of progress in the degree of carbon dioxide use inside five minutes span. Results The information in Figure 1 shows that the adjustment in level of carbon dioxide usage contrasts among shades of various frequencies. The control where in the daylight fills in as the wellspring of light shows a mean of 160.71
The Essay Topic - Writing Opposing Speeches
The Essay Topic - Writing Opposing SpeechesDo you often find yourself taking opposing viewpoints essay topics? Is it sometimes easier to write in an essay with opposing viewpoints then to write one that's more unified and well defined? In fact, when writing this type of essay you want to make sure that you have some sort of direction in mind.For instance, you want to make sure that your main idea or thesis is one that can be articulated by each of the viewpoints you write about. If you do this then you won't end up with a mess of incoherent thoughts and ideas. You'll have to make sure that you have something firm that you can point your reader to when they want to know more about your topic.To start with you'll want to find some opposing viewpoints essay topics. In this case, you want to make sure that you don't look too far afield. Otherwise, you might just get lost and miss out on one of the many perspectives out there. For instance, if you want to write an essay on the debate betw een Republican and Democrat, you may want to find a website that has just that information on it.Then, go to each of the different viewpoints in your chosen subject. Just take down notes on what you learn about them and the people who wrote about them. This will help you get a better idea of what you're looking for and where you should focus your attention.Now you have the main idea of your essay written down. You want to check to see whether you can fit everything into the outline you've made so far. By doing this you should ensure that you haven't left anything out or unclear.Then, look at each of the opposing viewpoints that you've got down. You'll want to take a good look at what they have to say and why they have to say that particular thing. This way you'll be able to get a good overview of what you need to talk about in your essay.After you've gone through all of these sections, you'll want to look at the main idea you've written down. This will give you a better idea of how much time you need to devote to each section. In other words, by going through all the different viewpoints you can get a feel for how long each of them will take to go through.When you get to the end of the outline and then look at the opposite viewpoints, you'll see that there are things that overlap between them. By doing this you'll know that you can save time by using their themes or point of view. Of course, you can always take a closer look at your main idea later on and work out which of the opposing viewpoints is best to use.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Lester Young Essay Example
Lester Young Paper Moreover I will depict examinations with some different performers of his time including Coleman Hawkins while utilizing investigation of his performances. To additionally investigate the turn of events and development of Young style I will break down his procedure. Area Research and Analysis Lester Young is one of the most well known and persuasive saxophonist and his music assume a significant job in the field of Jazz music. He has brought a solid individual performance. A cool innovation and another cadenced adaptability to conventional Jazz. Youthful was conceived in Woodpile Mississippi on August 27, 1909, and experienced childhood in a melodic family. He figured out how to play the violin, trumpet, drums just as the saxophone from his dad. Wakefield. 2012) Young has been a critical desolate. He left his old neighborhood and went to a band, since he needed to get more information on Jazz music in the north. No one needed to be with him, since his music style was separated from the gathering. Whats more, he got a phenomenal feeling of style. Youthful one of a kind style influenced many saxophone players. I accept that his character and style of dress was likewise part of his legend life. From that point onward, he searches for comfort from medications and beverages. Because of the severe experience of military help life, his Inside, profound had been gravely affected. Consequently, he has a genuine sickness and passed on March 15, 1959. Segment Influence and his inheritance On Lester Young instrument he was one of the most compelling players around then, his style had a lot of contrast from different artists. At the point when he plays saxophone, he was consistently focus on his music world, since his plays were self-gathered. We will compose a custom paper test on Lester Young explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom paper test on Lester Young explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom paper test on Lester Young explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer As over, his style was known as the Cool Jazz. In spite of the fact that his music style didn't be valued, he never surrenders and still demands his music style. I think behind numerous effective men, there are a ton of fruitless years. I was pulled in by his USIA when I tune in to his melody. His l Want to Happy and Peg O My Heart drives me Into a gala of music and furthermore makes me review some misery and bliss things. We can't disregard is that he promoted a sort of saxophone style; it was called Swing. We can find out about his own style from his performance. Youthful execution Ana Nils waterway raged Nils Tans. In Tact, Nils individual Innocence was violating his presentation. With everything taken into account, Young performance style has impacted numerous tenor saxophonists. For example, Stan Get and Dexter Gordon; they are the most well known and effective artists around the globe. In any case, he additionally impacted numerous individuals in cool Jazz styles, similar to Soot Sims, AY Cohn and Gerry Mulligan. Around then, everyone's eyes were on Lester Young as he played saxophone. He had a smooth tone and curbed performances; he utilized a timed beat with a solid main impetus. He played defer a normal note by a division. Notwithstanding, a few people thought he was not certain and they wanted that more firecrackers. (Work 5118,1939) Lester Young is the mammoth of Jazz. I think Young music is extremely delicate and strong, I never tune in to Jazz music like that, his performance consistently gave me a major shock since his USIA style was never out-design. Numerous individuals thought about that Lester Young was the best tenor sax player from previous till now. Actually,Len the mid sasss to mid sasss, he changed the best approach to play tenor saxophone and the specialty of Jazz itself. Lester Young dependent on George and Air Gershwins l Got Rhythm composed Lester Leaps In. Like the groups other head courses of action, it highlights ad libbed performances worked around a focal riff, yet where we may hope for something else of the groups regular chaotic situation virtuosity, this record is an examination in moderation. (Business 5118, 1939) His tone is fine ND sounds very sweet, toward the finish of his melodies are in every case moderate and brimming with perceptual explanation, however in his initial music vocation, his tenor saxophone was scrutinized for being excessively frail, yet time demonstrates that he can possess a significant situation in music. Lester Young, who affected cool Jazz more than other artist, His saxophone playing utilized delicate and light solid, as opposed to the clangorous explosion approach of players like Coleman Hawkins. Youthful was cunning in its utilized of cadence, rather than driving it. At the point when he began his performances, he needed to underscore cap melodic turn of events, instead of hot expressions or cadence change. (http://en. Wisped. Organization/wick/Cool_Jazz). Youthful music is the blend of amazing, irate, valiant, and excellent and some free-considering custom Jazz, which exhibits a banquet of music and shows the really human inclination. He was absolutely a profound guide. He was the unparalleled Lester Young?indisputably one of the most persuasive figures in post-swing Jazz and the powerful maker of the Chicago tenor sound. Coming clean, he extended the language of music and leaves a permanent individual heritage for conventional Jazz. Youthful even affected the way Jazz craftsmen talk. Notwithstanding his great music, youthful most persevering through the heritage has been his significant persona. In spite of the fact that it was not his goal, Young turned into an early model for the present day (2003 thirteenth studios, Chicago) In his short music life, Young has left a rich melodic legacy. Segment His independent Young had developed and his music style changed when he left the military. A few people felt that military transformed him and lose his specialty. Be that as it may, he was by and by played with the style, and everybody changed their supposition. The subject of Lester Leaps In depends on Rhythm-change, vamps in the A-segments and have an ad libbed connect over a hover of fifths. Youthful pretty much dismisses the harmony changes in the An areas and plays around the Ebb-harmony. This interpretation contains Young initial two performance themes, precluding his later pursue with Basis. All strong will communicate principle Telling In Deterrent manners, Is not an issue AT won Is ten best. At the point when I tuned in to his melody pitiful eyes, I began to think about what the story was behind it. Song sounded at that time, around the time and the air appears to be hardened general. Perhaps youthful need to get a brilliant life, the outflow of human progress and look for harmony and joy. Truth be told, he had likewise some glad recollections of his youth. At the point when he played The man I love . The man was his dad at the forefront of his thoughts, and it generally brought back his cheerful recollections. Be that as it may, as the music goes on, his performance can rolls out entangled improvements in low tone with huge degree, it was not the same as the song . With the quick paced rule changed, his enthusiastic changed too. He needed to tell audience members his excruciating life, Like the war, destitution and racial bad form. In later works, Young performances more troubled and more shrewd than previously. From that point forward, Young performances more troubled and more astute than previously. From that point forward, he was both a drunkard and dependent on cocaine.. During that time, he completely overlooked himself and lost confidence. The motivation behind why he sat around idly and mishandled drugs, due to his military profession. I accept that life isn't reasonable, jump on it. That conflicting idea was difficult to communicate his feeling, he constantly held high his saxophone when he played performances. These way have the effect from others. Area Comparison I would draw a few examinations between Lester Young and different performers. Correlations with certain artists like Hawkins and Ben Webster. Youthful music can straightforwardly move our inward world. Rather Hawkins style that was sharp and loaded with desire and he was the most unequivocally connected with the swing music g band time, he had assumed significant job in the advancement of bebop in the backtalk. Hawkins consistently had a sharp ear for new ability and styles (Wakefield Foundation, 28 September 2012). He likewise had an extraordinary commitment on the period from the convention Jazz to the Swing Era. Furthermore, the three extraordinary performers are viewed as the huge three of swing tenors. Hawkins was a talking, strolling Jazz composition?a living activity in creative extemporization. Lester Young idea Coleman Hawkins was the President first, he was the subsequent one. Miles Davis once additionally stated: When I heard Hawk, I figured out how to play melodies. To that degree, Hawkins is likewise an incredible individual at music. Be that as it may, there is some extraordinary style among Hawkins and Young, Hawkins played around consonant ways while Young played whirlwinds of notes and had a gigantic tone that the other tenor players of the day imitated. As we as a whole know, Lester Young was additionally called Prep, cause Billie Holiday felt that Americas most noteworthy individuals, ought to be President Roosevelt, and in Jazz music, Young merits the name Prep from the President is likewise a legitimate. What's more, there are something in like manner among Hawkins and Young, they all wore a similar uniform with contrast on their neckline and top in front of an audience, that has been a piece of Jazz convention and the western blues from that point forward. Youthful achievements and playing aptitudes characterized an age and changed the Jazz field. Hawkins was hot, Young played was cool. What's more, Young consistently thought of a totally unique origination in his play. His play was basic and loose, not with the sentiment of shaking Jazz however a serious resonant melody.
Writing an Application College Essay
Writing an Application College EssayOne of the best ways to study for a college application essay is to read academic books and professional journals that have been written by individuals who have been in the admissions process. This will give you a better idea of what the admissions process is like. If you do not have access to this kind of educational information, then you can read books, blogs, and even visit your local library. These are all options, but there is one site where you can use as much of this information as possible.The College Admissions Test (also known as CAT) is probably the most important aspect of preparing for your college application essay. If you have taken this test before, then you already know that the sections it includes are quite long. You will need to be able to write on many different topics during your entire essay.Writing an application college essay is not something that is difficult, but it does take some practice. This is also true for everythin g that you do in college. It is important to remember that you will not be able to 'test drive' any essay or paper that you write until you have read a handful of them to see what other people are writing about.When writing your college application essay, you should give a lot of thought to the topics that you want to talk about. For example, if you want to write about your love of water sports, then you may choose to put that information in your essay. However, if you want to talk about your religious beliefs, then that is another topic that you will want to choose to discuss in your essay.In order to prepare for your college application essay, you should start studying at least two or three books that contain essays. These books will give you a better idea of how to organize your thoughts, what questions to ask, and even what topics to avoid. There are a number of books out there that you can use, so it is a good idea to make a list of a few and get started with those first.In ord er to write a college application essay, you will also need to know how to go about writing the information that you want to include in your essay. You will want to write about why you want to apply to college and what you hope to learn from the course of study that you choose. There are many different reasons that a person might want to apply to college, and it will help to know why you want to go to college if you want to make your application essay well-written.One other way to get ideas for your application college essay is to check out online resources that are available to you. Some of these online resources are considered to be 'dorm room' style class books. They provide a way for you to get information on subjects that you may not otherwise have access to while you are in high school.Remember that when you are writing your college application essay, the best way to prepare is to read as much information as possible. Not only will this give you a better idea of what is going to be included in your essay, but it will give you ideas about what you can and cannot include in your essay. After you have read through all of the available resources, you will be able to make an application college essay that meets your needs.
Monday, June 29, 2020
Who Howls Hardest - Literature Essay Samples
The suicidal eldest, the special needs middle child, and the youngest, incapable of love: these are the three Compson brothers, each haunted by their own demons and howling for everything they have lost. In his novel The Sound and the Fury, William Faulkner tells his tale from the perspective of these three brothers, all of whom cannot escape the demons of their past. These brothers all cry for something, but are they all justified in doing so? In some instances they are, but most of the time they are simply trapped in their own small worlds, unable to see the bigger picture where what they howl for means nothing. Quentin mourns the loss of his sister’s innocence and agonizes over being the cause of losing half of Benjy’s pasture to pay for his schooling. Benjy cries for Caddy, the only one who truly ever showed him compassion, and for the lack of order in the Compson’s deteriorating lives. Jason condemns Caddy for the loss of a bank job he never received, and ho lds a bitter grudge that leaves no room for love. Although the three brothers all howl, mostly about the sister they are obsessed with, the only ones truly justified in doing so are Benjy, because Caddy truly cared about him and was the only one who showed him love and compassion, and sometimes Quentin because of the financial trouble he put his family in. Out of all three Compson brothers, Benjy leads the hardest life. He is trapped inside his body, unable to speak and unable to judge. Because of his inability to judge, he is unique in that he is completely and purely innocent throughout the novel. Nobody really pays Benjy much attention, except Caddy. Most of Benjy’s section is memories from the past because Caddy is in his past. Caddy is always with him when no one else wants to be, saying, â€Å"I like to take care of him. Don’t I. Benjy,†(Faulkner 63). She even acts as his protector, like when Jason cuts up Benjy’s dolls and Caddy tries to fight him, crying â€Å"I’ll slit his gizzle,†(65). Caddy is so important to him because to his family, he seems more of an afterthought than a legitimate member of the clan. He is usually pawned off on the hired help because the perpetually sick Caroline Compson cannot be bothered to raise her own children. Roskus, Dilsey’s husband, even critic izes, â€Å"raising a child not to know its own mammy’s name,†(Faulkner 31). Jason also does not care for Benjy, detachedly referring to him as â€Å"Ben†and viewing him more as a burden than a brother, threatening that when Mrs. Compson dies, â€Å"I’ll sure have him on number seventeen that night,†(222). Without Caddy to protect him and care for him, Benjy is all alone on the Compson estate, forever following golfers on the other side of the fence who scream â€Å"caddy†, hoping for his disowned sister who will never return. Benjy clearly has the most reason to howl, but Quentin has moments where his fervid howls are also justified. Throughout his section he is haunted by shadows which represent â€Å"all I had felt suffered taking visible form,†(170). He continuously remembers scenes from the past that make him feel guilty, like his parents apprising him, â€Å"we have sold Benjy’s pasture so that Quentin may go to Harvard,†which haunts Quentin as he repeats, â€Å"a brother to you. Your little brother,†(94). In addition to the guilt he feels for the financial burden he is to his family, he is also obsessed with Caddy and her lost virginity. He is maudlin and feels responsible, as if he could have somehow stopped it, which he never could have. He repeats, â€Å"I have committed incest,†throughout his entire section, trying to somehow justify her pregnancy in his own twisted way (77). He tries to intimidate her baby’s father to protect her, but even fails at that, causing him even more pain. Quentin is fixated on his sister, and all of his memories circulate around her and her marriage and pregnancy. This haunts him, but the bottom line is he is not responsible for Caddy’s actions and could not have stopped her no matter what he did. Although his rambling about incest and the guilt he feels about Caddy getting pregnant is ridiculous, the guilt he feels for the loss of Benjy’s beloved pasture is legitimate. He feels like a failure, a burden on his family just so that he could attend a prestigious school and this fact prompts him to incessantly repeat â€Å"Harvard my Harvard boy Harvard Harvard†(92). In the end, his demons prove to be too much for him to handle, even though not all of them are warranted, and he commits suicide. Although Benjy and Quentin are mostly justified in their howling, Jason elicits no sympathy from the reader with his cries. The opening line of his section is â€Å"once a bitch always a bitch,†and this hateful tone continues for the rest of his narrative (180). He is stuck in the past, unable to move on from the bank job he never received Caddy’s husband because she had an illegitimate child. Because of this, Jason feels that he deserves compensation for the job he never had, and therefore feels justified to be cruel to everyone around him, especially his niece Miss Quentin and Caddy herself. He treats them cruelly, stealing their money for his own gain because â€Å"neither of them had had entity or individuality for him for ten years; together they merely symbolized the job in the bank of which he had been deprived before he ever got it,†(306). Jason often makes himself out to be a martyr, sacrificing his freedom to support his family, when in reality he is actually stealing their money and adding to the deterioration of the Compson estate. He is a huge contributor to the Compson family’s downfall, and yet he pities himself, uttering phrases like, â€Å"Well I can stand a lot,†and â€Å"I don’t expect much,†(232, 220). He seemingly tries to get the readers to side with his tendentious narrative and agree that his life is terrible, but he is actually the reason his life is bad. He never tries to get a better job like the bank job and he steals money from the women in his family whom he despises: since he chooses to live with a grudge that consumes his every thought, Jason Compson has no justification for howling. Each of the three Compson brothers lives a life where their past controls their present, and each cries for these events that haunt them, but only Benjy and sometimes Quentin are truly justified in doing so. For Benjy, he has every reason in the world to cry: he is trapped in a family of self-centered egotists, unable to speak for himself and forever waiting for the sister who showed him compassion who will never come. Benjy is truly the only innocent Compson, guilty of nothing but being born with a disability. Although not completely defensible, Quentin’s caterwauls also hold some merit. The cost of him going to Harvard was what initially put the Compson family in financial trouble and was the reason they sold Benjy’s pasture, causing him to lose a lot of freedom. The guilt he holds for this is warranted because of the detriment it caused his family, even if he is not completely responsible for it. His guilt over Caddy’s pregnancy, however, is unnecessary. He be lieves he could have prevented it, yet there was absolutely nothing he could have done. In the end, the inescapable shadow of his past was too much for him to handle, and he committed suicide. The only brother without reason to howl is Jason, who harbors a bitter grudge against his sister for the bank job he never received. All he does is steal from his sister, mother, and niece in his section and does nothing to better the family. His howls are in no way justified. The Compson family has more than their fair share of demons, but they mostly cause these demons themselves. The only two people who have the right to cry for their situations is Benjy and Quentin who are more victim than sinner in the novel. Works CitedFaulkner, William. The Sound and the Fury. New York: Vintage, 1990. Print.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Battle of Fort McHenry in the War of 1812
The Battle of Fort McHenry was fought September 13/14, 1814, during the War of 1812 (1812-1815). Part of the larger Battle of Baltimore, the Battle of Fort McHenry saw the forts garrison defeat a British fleet that had been advancing on the city. As the British had recently captured and burned Washington, DC, the victory proved critical in halting their advance in the Chesapeake. Coupled with successes elsewhere, the victory strengthened the hand of American negotiators at the Ghent peace talks. Francis Scott Key saw the fighting from a British ship where he was held prisoner and was inspired to write the Star-Spangled Banner based on what he had witnessed. Into the Chesapeake Having defeated Napoleon in early 1814 and removed the French emperor from power, the British were able to turn their full attention to the war with the United States. A secondary conflict while the wars with France were ongoing, they now commenced sending additional troops west in an effort to achieve a swift victory. While Lieutenant General Sir George Prevost, the governor-general of Canada and commander of British forces in North America, commenced a series of campaigns from the north, he ordered Vice Admiral Alexander Cochrane, the commander of the Royal Navys ships on the North American Station, to make attacks against the American coast. Though Cochranes second-in-command, Rear Admiral George Cockburn, had been raiding up and down the Chesapeake Bay for some time, additional forces were en route. Arriving in August, Cochranes reinforcements included a force of around 5,000 men commanded by Major General Robert Ross. Many of these soldiers were veterans of the Napoleonic Wars and had served under the Duke of Wellington. On August 15, the transports carrying Ross command entered the Chesapeake and sailed up the bay to join with Cochrane and Cockburn. Admiral Sir Alexander Cochrane. Public Domain Reviewing their options, the three men elected to mount an attack on Washington DC. The combined fleet then moved up the bay and quickly trapped Commodore Joshua Barneys gunboat flotilla in the Patuxent River. Pushing up the river, they destroyed Barneys force and put Rosss 3,400 men and 700 marines ashore on August 19. In Washington, President James Madisons administration worked fruitlessly to deal with the threat. Not thinking that the capital would be a target, little work had been done in regard to constructing defenses. Overseeing the troops around Washington was Brigadier General William Winder, a political appointee from Baltimore who had been captured at the Battle of Stoney Creek in June 1813. Since the majority of the US Armys regulars were occupied on the Canadian frontier, Winder s force was largely made up of militia. Burning Washington Marching from Benedict to Upper Marlborough, the British decided to approach Washington from the northeast and cross the East Branch of the Potomac at Bladensburg. On August 24, Ross engaged an American force under Winder at the Battle of Bladensburg. Achieving a decisive victory, later dubbed the Bladensburg Races due to the nature of the American retreat, his men occupied Washington that evening. Taking possession of the city, they burned the Capitol, Presidents House, and Treasury Building before encamping. Additional destruction ensued the next day before they departed to rejoin the fleet. Following their successful campaign against Washington DC, Cochrane and Ross advanced up the Chesapeake Bay to attack Baltimore, MD. British forces burning Washington, DC, 1814. Public Domain A vital port city, Baltimore was believed by the British to be the base of many of the American privateers that were preying on their shipping. To take the city, Ross and Cochrane planned a two-prong attack with the former landing at North Point and advancing overland, while the latter attacked Fort McHenry and the harbor defenses by water. Fighting at North Point On September 12, 1814, Ross landed with 4,500 men on the tip of North Point and began advancing northwest towards Baltimore. His men soon encountered American forces under Brigadier General John Stricker. Dispatched by Major General Samuel Smith, Stricker was under orders to delay the British while the fortifications around the city were completed. In the resulting Battle of North Point, Ross was killed and his command took heavy losses. With Ross death, command devolved to Colonel Arthur Brooke who elected to remain on the field through a rainy night while Strickers men withdraw back to the city. Battle of North Point. Photograph Courtesy of the US Army Fast Facts: Battle of Fort McHenry Conflict: War of 1812 (1812-1815)Dates: September 13/14, 1814Armies Commanders:United StatesMajor General Samuel SmithMajor George Armistead1,000 men (at Fort McHenry), 20 gunsBritishVice Admiral Sir Alexander CochraneColonel Arthur Brooke19 ships5,000 menCasualties:United States: 4 killed and 24 woundedGreat Britain: 330 killed, wounded, and captured The American Defenses While Brookes men suffered in the rain, Cochrane began moving his fleet up the Patapsco River toward the citys harbor defenses. These were anchored on the star-shaped Fort McHenry. Situated on Locust Point, the fort guarded the approaches to the Northwest Branch of the Patapsco which led to the city as well as the Middle Branch of the river. Fort McHenry was supported across the Northwest Branch by a battery at Lazaretto and by Forts Covington and Babcock to the west on the Middle Branch. At Fort McHenry, the garrison commander, Major George Armistead possessed a composite force of around 1,000 men. Bombs Bursting in Air Early on September 13, Brooke began advancing towards the city along the Philadelphia Road. In the Patapsco, Cochrane was hampered by shallow waters which precluded sending forward his heaviest ships. As a result, his attack force consisted of five bomb ketches, 10 smaller warships, and the rocket vessel HMS Erebus. By 6:30 AM they were in position and opened fire on Fort McHenry. Remaining out of range of Armisteads guns, the British ships struck the fort with heavy mortar shells (bombs) and Congreve rockets from Erebus. Advancing ashore, Brooke, who believed they had defeated citys defenders the day before, was stunned when his men found 12,000 Americans behind substantial earthworks east of the city. Under orders not to attack unless with a high chance of success, he began probing Smiths lines but was unable to find a weakness. As a result, he was forced to hold his position and await the outcome of Cochranes assault on the harbor. Early in the afternoon, Rear Admiral George Cockburn, thinking the fort had been badly damaged, moved the bombardment force closer increase the effectiveness of their fire. Defense of Fort McHenry, 1814. Public Domain As the ships closed, they came under intense fire from Armisteads guns and were compelled to draw back to their original positions. In effort to break the stalemate, the British attempted to move around the fort after dark. Embarking 1,200 men in small boats, they rowed up the Middle Branch. Mistakenly thinking they were safe, this assault force fired signal rockets which gave away their position. As a result, they quickly came under an intense crossfire from Forts Covington and Babcock. Taking heavy losses, the British withdrew. The Flag Was Still There By dawn, with the rain subsiding, the British had fired between 1,500 and 1,800 rounds at the fort with little impact. The greatest moment of danger had come when a shell struck the forts unprotected magazine but had failed to explode. Realizing the potential for disaster, Armistead had the forts gunpowder supply distributed to safer locations. As the sun began to rise, he ordered the forts small storm flag lowered and replaced with the standard garrison flag measuring 42 feet by 30 feet. Sewn by local seamstress Mary Pickersgill, the flag was clearly visible to all of the ships in the river. The sight of the flag and the ineffectiveness of the 25-hour bombardment convinced Cochrane that the harbor could not be breached. Ashore, Brooke, with no support from the navy, decided against a costly attempt on the American lines and began retreating towards North Point where his troops re-embarked. Aftermath The attack on Fort McHenry cost Armisteads garrison 4 killed and 24 wounded. British losses were around 330 killed, wounded, and captured, most of which occurred during the ill-fated attempt to move up the Middle Branch. The successful defense of Baltimore coupled with victory at the Battle of Plattsburgh aided in restoring American pride after the burning of Washington DC and bolstered the nations bargaining position at the Ghent peace talks. Francis Scott Key, circa 1825. Public Domain - Walters Art Museum The battle is best remembered for inspiring Francis Scott Key to write The Star-Spangled Banner. Detained aboard the ship Minden, Key had gone to meet with the British to secure the release of Dr. William Beanes who had been arrested during the attack on Washington. Having overhead the British attack plans, Key was forced to remain with the fleet for the duration of the battle. Moved to write during the forts heroic defense, he composed the words to an old drinking song entitled To Anacreon in Heaven. Initially published after the battle as the Defense of Fort McHenry, it eventually became known as the Star-Spangled Banner and was made the National Anthem of the United States.
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